Note how:
1. The drive motor - needing basically no maintenance - is under the gas box, thereby protected from weather ... although it also has a "roof" over it lower down. Not shown is that it is in a metal box welded into the engine space floor so the bilge is kept away from it (to a depth of about 6".)
2. The drive from the motor runs via a shaft under the generator, allowing this to be mounted centrally with maximum acces for servicing, etc. - and room to remove its sound-proofing caccoon to get at it!
3. The batteries (red) are mounted either side of the motor, meaning shortest-possible high current cable runs (and even ballasting.)
4. The control electronics is on the bulkhead completely under the gas box, shielding it from weather and allowing the metal bulkhead to help keep its heatsink cool.
5. Other electronics and the back of the control panel are in fact "just" inside the cabin (but minimally) meaning (a) they are in fact "in the dry" but on the other hand (b) they don't take up any significant cabin space or domestic arrangements!
1 comment:
Its really helpful for me, awaiting for more new post. Keep Blogging!
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